What a feeling, when you see your own country become an American agent in the Middle East, I don't claim that, it's the American media who bragging about what an ally is Egypt, and how they support behind the curtains what Israel doing .
What's next? Who is going to answer this question, how low are we going to be? I don't blame the American, nor the Israeli, they have an agenda and they implement it. It the Arabian people fault, we let our kings (No Presidents in Arabic countries) do what they want without accountability...
Children dying every day, and no body move a muscle, no body even care. What for? Two worthless Israeli soldiers kidnapped, so what?
Israeli keep crying about the holocaust, so what's going on in
What the hell Hosni Mubark doing? Why we still have Israeli ambassador in
Why the Arabian countries his their heads in the sand? Why don't we use out our resources? What if the Saudi threaten stop producing oil, they will kneel down on their knees, and start listening. We don't have to use weapons, we have stronger than weapons, we could turn their live to hell, if we stop producing oil, but sure enough our leaders are shaking from fear.
Thank you Arabian leaders for the shame you got us into.
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل
Please examine your conscience and ask yourself why you chose the words "two worthless Israeli soldiers". You do not mention the eight others that were killed at the same time in a sneak attack by Hizbollah inside Israel.
It is the word "worthless" which speaks loudly and conveys the meaning that their lives are somehow not as important as anyone else. What I am understanding from expressions like these is such extreme hate as to debase human life to something lower. How can peaceful dialogue have a chance when one does nor even recognize others as human beings?
When I published this blog, I was really angry, and I said what I said, for these two soldier, hundreds of children died, these two soldier still alive and I'm sure they are ok. They are soldier, that's their job, they fight and they know the fact they might get killed, but what the children did to die. It's not hate, be honest sometimes I don't how to feel about Israeli, I grew up seeing them killing civilians and children, for the same reason I hate Usama Bin Laden. There is no justification to kill inocent people, whether you Muslim, Christian or Jews. I hope you get my point.
Thank you any way, I appreciate your opinion.
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