Finally the labanese won the war after long fight with Israel, and I'm saying Lebanese, not huzb Allah. We have to give the credit for all the Lebanese whether they were Huzb Allah, Sunni or Christian in Lebanon.
I have to admit how proud I'm with the Lebanese especially the Christine, they stood beside Huzb Allah politically under huge amount of pressure, and never let Huzb Allah down. That was really good example of unity, and I really didn't feel that the Lebanese was divided at any moment.
I'm just mentioning that because people forget what role the rest of the lebanese played while Huzb Allah fighting, imagine what would happen if the government of Lebanon turned Huzb Allah down like the other Muslim government did(Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan) in shameful way? that would defeat Huzb Allah down.
I'm not Lebanese but I wish at this moment if I were Lebanese.
No body could imagined that Lebanese would be that united before, but miraculously USA and Israel did it, so I have to be fair, I owe USA and Israel for doing so, and I have to tell them thank you.
USA and Israel tried to divide Lebanon, but god willing was stronger than both of them and by their hand they became united.
I hope that the countries in the Middle East learn the lesson, whether you are Muslim or Christian, Israeli bombs didn't differentiate between Muslin or Christian, and USA didn't care less about Christine, so for the Christine in Egypt, take this lesson from Lebanon, you are Christine but you still Egyptian, Egypt would care about your live than USA.
I hope every body understand what I'm trying to say, we are not perfect, either Muslim or Christian we have our mistakes, we have to talk about it honestly, we have to find way to solve it, we don't have to get in war to realize that we are one.
Your comments/posts are interesting and provide a much-needed, different perspective. I would like to ask you the following questions, if I may?
In your opinion, what would need to happen in order for there to be peace between the Palestinians and Israel? And, if peace could be achieved, would it make any real difference with regard to the opinions of individuals living in the ME toward the US/west, in general?
Thank you for your time,
thank you for visiting my blog, to answer your question, there is no peace would happen between Israel and Palestine, I will tell the reasons
1- This land is Palestinian and it got occupied from England and then England give it to Israel to make them up for the holocaust, so this land doesn't belong to Israeli.
2- The Israeli always have the fear and they will never get rid of it, because that what god said about them in Quran, they will be in fear all their life, so what's going to happen that Israel to feel safe, they feel that they have to fight all the time.
We have no bad feeling in The ME for Western or American people, what bothers us the most the huge support for Israel and dealing with the double slandered, so our rage against the American government, not against the American people.
Thank you for answering my comment. (I posted this response on my blog, too.)
REF: “1- This land is Palestinian and it got occupied from England and then England give it to Israel to make them up for the holocaust, so this land doesn't belong to Israeli.”
IMHO, many westerners do not realize how angry people in the Middle East and elsewhere are about the fact that the land on which the State of Israel exists was taken from the Palestinian people. Even if peace could be achieved tomorrow, I still believe that there would be anger and resentment toward the Israelis and the Brits for a long time to come.
REF: “2 - The Israeli always have the fear and they will never get rid of it, because that what god said about them in Quran, they will be in fear all their life, so what's going to happen that Israel to feel safe, they feel that they have to fight all the time.”
I think the Israelis are fearful because they know that people are still angry about how the State of Israel came to be and because some people would like to see the country cease to exist. (I did not know what the Quran said and so I thank you for that information.) As long as there is no peace, all will be left to fight.
The pictures of Palestinian children throwing rocks at Israeli tanks say it all. There can be no peace without recognition that the land was taken from the Palestinian people. There can also be no peace until the elected representatives of the Palestinian people are recognized and respected – be it Hamas, or some other group of representatives.
-“We have no bad feeling in The ME for Western or American people,”
It is kind of you to say that. I don’t have bad feelings, either, and that is why I started this blog. I’d like to be able to hear/learn from non-westerners about their views concerning the issues that affect us all - instead of relying on the media or government to tell me what non-westerners think or believe.
-“ … what bothers us the most the huge support for Israel and dealing with the double slandered, so our rage against the American government, not against the American people.”
US citizens/westerners do disagree about supporting Israel, even though it seems as if our governments always agree to support Israel. I see the double standard and I don’t like it, either. For example, I was angered and embarrassed by the US’ response to what happened in Lebanon and yet Mr. Bush, and not citizens, made the decisions about when to respond to the crisis and how. The truth is, after the vote, the common man/woman here doesn’t have a lot of power to influence the government’s actions. We can try to call or write to a representative, but they don’t usually respond unless a lot of people contact them at once. The representative also has to be able to defend his actions to his political party. The political parties are powerful – but the people, as individuals, are not.
Thank you, again, for your comments. You are welcome to post here at any time.
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