Monday, August 21, 2006

Egypt Future

Is it our future? Is it going to be the same again for 30 more years? Is it going to be the shame again?

What Gamal Mubrak has to give more than his dad, another agent for USA and the Israeli? We need to be free, we need to have dignity, we need to govern as a people, not just few people, we need to talk and be heard, and we need to get our pride back.

We will say it "enough is enough"; we don’t want more bull-shit from our governor, leave us and go live in USA or Israel where you are loyal to.

Why the silence is the only language we are talking? Do we become dead body, we can’t move, we can’t even scream. We getting poor more than before, what did Mr. Husni do? I believe in Egyptian people, we have the smartest people in the whole world, why we are not going ahead, why there are people unemployed? Isn’t because Mr. Jamal want to be a part of any business comes to Egypt, so every body now doesn’t want to invest in Egypt.

I hope one day people wake up and talk and say what they want, if we all talk at the same time we will be heard, they will fear us, we have to talk, we have to resist, that’s the only way to save out country.

I hope every body think about god questions in the judgment day, and I wonder how many questions god will have for us? Is it going to be about Lebanese children who killed or about the innocent people in the prisons, or what and what? Please if somebody has the answer to these questions, just let me know. I hope god will be merciful and forgiven to the shame we have put on Islam, and I hope that our prophet Mohamed forgives us too about what we have done to the best nation have come to the world.

Thank you,

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Viva Lebanon

Viva Lebanon

Finally the labanese won the war after long fight with Israel, and I'm saying Lebanese, not huzb Allah. We have to give the credit for all the Lebanese whether they were Huzb Allah, Sunni or Christian in Lebanon.

I have to admit how proud I'm with the Lebanese especially the Christine, they stood beside Huzb Allah politically under huge amount of pressure, and never let Huzb Allah down. That was really good example of unity, and I really didn't feel that the Lebanese was divided at any moment.
I'm just mentioning that because people forget what role the rest of the lebanese played while Huzb Allah fighting, imagine what would happen if the government of Lebanon turned Huzb Allah down like the other Muslim government did(Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan) in shameful way? that would defeat Huzb Allah down.

I'm not Lebanese but I wish at this moment if I were Lebanese.
No body could imagined that Lebanese would be that united before, but miraculously USA and Israel did it, so I have to be fair, I owe USA and Israel for doing so, and I have to tell them thank you.

USA and Israel tried to divide Lebanon, but god willing was stronger than both of them and by their hand they became united.

I hope that the countries in the Middle East learn the lesson, whether you are Muslim or Christian, Israeli bombs didn't differentiate between Muslin or Christian, and USA didn't care less about Christine, so for the Christine in Egypt, take this lesson from Lebanon, you are Christine but you still Egyptian, Egypt would care about your live than USA.

I hope every body understand what I'm trying to say, we are not perfect, either Muslim or Christian we have our mistakes, we have to talk about it honestly, we have to find way to solve it, we don't have to get in war to realize that we are one.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Falling Egypt

Egypt was the leader of the Middle East against the enemies; Egypt was the back-bone for the Muslim countries. Where is Egypt now?

What a feeling, when you see your own country become an American agent in the Middle East, I don't claim that, it's the American media who bragging about what an ally is Egypt, and how they support behind the curtains what Israel doing .

What's next? Who is going to answer this question, how low are we going to be? I don't blame the American, nor the Israeli, they have an agenda and they implement it. It the Arabian people fault, we let our kings (No Presidents in Arabic countries) do what they want without accountability...

Children dying every day, and no body move a muscle, no body even care. What for? Two worthless Israeli soldiers kidnapped, so what?

Israeli keep crying about the holocaust, so what's going on in Lebanon, is not holocaust for god sake?

What the hell Hosni Mubark doing? Why we still have Israeli ambassador in Egypt and vice versa? Why we still have conversation with the terrorist? How many crimes they have to commit?

Why the Arabian countries his their heads in the sand? Why don't we use out our resources? What if the Saudi threaten stop producing oil, they will kneel down on their knees, and start listening. We don't have to use weapons, we have stronger than weapons, we could turn their live to hell, if we stop producing oil, but sure enough our leaders are shaking from fear.

Thank you Arabian leaders for the shame you got us into.

حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل